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    <% Dim ProClassID,FoundErr,ErrMsg ProClassID=Trim(Request("ProClassID")) If ProClassID="" Then ProClassID=0 End If If IsNumeric(ProClassID) = False Then GoError "产品分类ID参数错误,请不要试图破坏此系统。" End If If ProClassID<>0 Then Set oRs=oConn.Execute("Select ClassID From productClass Where ClassID="&ProClassID) If oRs.Eof Then GoError "无此产品栏目,请添加后在来!" End If oRs.Close End If %>
    <%call productclass()%>
    电  话:0371-87090559
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     产品展示  现在的位置:首 页 > 产品展示
    <% If ProClassID<>0 Then Dim ChildID sSql="Select * From ProductClass Where ClassID="&ProClassID oRs.Open sSql,oConn,1,1 If Not oRs.Eof Then if oRs("ClassID")>0 then if oRs("Child")>0 then ChildID="" set tClass=oConn.execute("select * from ProductClass where ParentID=" & oRs("ClassID") & " or ParentPath like '" & oRs("ParentPath") & "," & oRs("ClassID") & ",%'") do while not tClass.eof if ChildID="" then ChildID=tClass(0) else ChildID=ChildID & "," & tClass(0) end if tClass.movenext loop else ChildID=ProClassID end if end if End If oRs.Close sSql="Select * From productdata Where d_ClassID in ("&ChildID&") And d_Recycle=False Order By d_ID" Else sSql="Select * From ProductData Where d_Recycle=False Order By d_ID" End If oRs.Open sSql,oConn,1,1 Dim PicNum dim MaxPerPage dim totalPut dim CurrentPage dim TotalPages dim i MaxPerPage=12 if not ors.eof then ors.MoveFirst end if ors.pagesize=MaxPerPage If trim(Request("Page"))<>"" then If IsNumeric(trim(Request("Page"))) = False Then GoError "分页参数错误,请不要试图破坏此系统。" End If CurrentPage= CLng(request("Page")) If CurrentPage> ors.PageCount then CurrentPage = ors.PageCount End If Else CurrentPage= 1 End If totalPut=ors.recordcount if CurrentPage<>1 then if (currentPage-1)*MaxPerPage <% Do While Not oRs.Eof and i" For PicNum =0 to 1 %> <% oRs.MoveNext i=i+1 If oRs.Eof then If PicNum = 0 Then Response.Write "" End if Exit For End If Next Response.Write "" Loop %>
    &ProClassID=<%=oRs("d_ClassID")%>">" width="150" height="200" border="0"> 名称:<%=ors("d_title")%>
    类别:<% set zRs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") zsSql="Select classname From Productclass Where classID="&oRs("d_ClassID") zRs.Open zsSql,oConn,1,1 if zrs.eof then response.Write("类别已被删除!") else %> <%=zRs("classname")%> <% end if zRs.Close%>
    <% Response.Write "共"&totalPut&"个产品 " k=currentPage if k<>1 then response.write "["+"首页] " response.write "["+"上一页] " else Response.Write "[首页] [上一页]" end if if k<>n then response.write "["+"下一页] " response.write "["+"尾页] " else Response.Write "[下一页] [尾页]" end if Response.Write " 页次:"¤tpage&"/"&n&"页 12个产品/页" %> 转到:
    <% Else %>
    <% End If oRs.Close %>
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